About James Booth

              James Booth studied modern languages at Bristol University and then hoping to add a more interesting language to his repertoire headed to Tokyo where he taught English and learnt Japanese. A fellow teacher introduced him to acupuncture treatment and to a couple of masters, Zuisei Yokohama Sensei and Kimiya Goto Sensei and through their generosity and patience over the next two years he was able to get a grounding in Japanese acupuncture practice.

Four years were a long time away from home, so in 1989 James returned to England to do a full time 3 year course, this eventually leading to a Diploma of Acupuncture and membership of the RTCM, then becoming a founder member of the British Acupuncture Council in 1995.

He lives and works in beautiful Bonnington Square, Vauxhall and his other main passions are the world of chocolate and folk and ragtime guitar.